Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Home Made Dark Chocolate Nonpareils

Sometimes I just crave these.   Although you may know them as "snow caps." 

Making them at home is so simple.  Get out your double boiler and pour a half bag of Hershey's special dark chocolate morsels in the top.  I don't have an official double boiler, so I use one of my sauce pans with a tin mixing bowl.  They get all melty in just a matter of minutes so as soon as you see them start to melt, stir and go ahead and remove the pan from the heat. 

 Next, just pour your sprinkles into a small shallow tray. 

Then drop half teaspoonful circles of the melted chocolate right on top, making sure you have a nice bed of nonpareils (sprinkles) underneath.  If they are too shallow you won't get an even coverage and they may stick to the bottom of your tray.  (Just don't ask me how I know this.) 

Then, very gently shake the tray a little from side to side to help level out the chocolate a bit.  Some of the circles will turn out a little larger than others, just be careful to leave plenty of room so they don't touch each other.  (But don't worry, if any of them happen to accidentally stick together, I recommend you just pop them into your mouth, no sense flaunting our mistakes.) 

Then put them in the fridge for about 10 minutes or so and that's all there is to it!  I've tucked a few into a little French inspired box for later. 

You want some don't you?   So did I.  It's a bad craving.  Here are some more colorful ones I made. 

Yesterday's sunset at Sullivan Harbor. 

A sweet place to walk off the calories of my bad cravings.  N'est-ce pas?


regan said...

I loved all your pics, Lili! I make these at xmas time, to add to the cookie trays I make. I use the red/green/white colored sprinkles cute and colorful on the tray with all the yummy cookies!

Low Tide High Style said...

Oh Lili this really is I want a whole handful! I never thought of making these, I think I will have to give it a try!

Kat :)

wildbanshee said...

Oh boy something new!!!

Heather Baird said...

Lili, I love those, and printed off the recipe a couple of days ago! Great minds think alike. :)


Samantha said...

What a great idea for *fillers* in holiday cookie boxes! They are so pretty..and hey..chocolate is just a win :)

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Oh gosh, I shouldn't have read this before breakfast. This could send me into a day long tailspin!

Loved "hearing" your words, smelling the aromas, and seeing the beauty.

I am barefoot, sitting at our kitchen table with the oven door open for a little warmth. I can't believe that I am not in Maine. Yikes, it is hitting hard.

Love to you and H,


Vicki Boster said...

Oh my gosh- I have to make these--- I have to have these--- the thought of them is going to roll around in my head until I have them. White ones-- I have to have the white ones--- my diet is doomed!!!

This needs to be shared- I'm going to link to this post from my blog later tonight. Look for it on my sidebar-

Way to go girlfriend-- you have successfully sabatoged my diet! ( lol!!)

Love you-

Country Girl said...

Yes it is a sweet place to walk off the chocolate indulges. Wish I were there.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh yum! My son used to LOVE these!

Crown of Beauty said...

I loved this post, Lili. I do not have a sweet tooth, but this post did make me crave for your dark chocolate nonpareils! And so easy to make too!

Now, if could only find some of those white things... what did you say they were... nonpareils?

Maybe at the baking supply store I'll find some.

Loved all the pictures you posted...

Loved the sunset picture, too!


Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hello Lili, You make it look so easy . . it would be a "Lucy & Ethel" moment for me. Loved the colorful ones. Definitely a gift idea for the holidays. Blessings, Sandy:O)

Linda said...

Such sweetness!

Julie said...


YUMMY YUM YUM NOM NOM...oh my. YES! I want some. yes I do! I have been wanting to see a post on some of your sprinkly goodies. I SHALL be making these for sure...dadgumit why do they have to be so full of unnecessary calories...??? self-control! My guys will like these, and maybe I can mail some to my kids back in NC! The sunset is oh so lovely and what a fantastic way to work off those "unnecessary calories!" Beautiful country... HUGS to you and have an outstanding weekend! thanks for sharing how to do them and the valuable tips!

Debi said...

What a very nice easy treat to make. I'll have to add that one to my list of go-to recipes. Love that picture. Looks like at sunset.

Fabulously French said...

They look very yummy, but then I love anything with chocolate :-)

Bon week-end a toi,

Leeann x

Completely Coastal said...

You are seriously talented!! And I'm glad I'm not, haha. These look gorgeous. Perfect for a snowy day!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

These look delicious. Thanks for the tutorial. I want to thank you for all your compliments on my blog as well. I just joined your site. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I love nonpareils!!! I never thought to make them, though. My mom lvoes them too, I might make some for Xmas. Where did you fet the white sprinkle dots?

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Honey, just checked back to see what's up.

Jeff's b-day today and we actually took the day off. Working hard in the garden and making it shine.

Love to you,


jennyfreckles said...

Oh, yummy. I have never seen home-made ones. What a great idea. I don't think they'd last long round here though!

Mickey (Michel) Johnson said...

those look delicious and that sunset is divine!

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

I've got to get the nerve up to make those!

It was a thrill meeting Rachel. I’m still too shy to look at all the pictures! Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog.

Ange said...

Looks like the sunset colours go with your cravings! Just beautiful. Now I have to get off the computer as I'm salivating and it's not good for the keyboard!!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Yummmmy. I have made mounds candies, peanut butter cups and chocolate covered cherries, but never these. I don't much candy any more because Don can't have it - but they do look tempting.

Privet and Holly said...

These look easy,
yet elegant! And
I can just imagine
how pretty they will
be in an assortment
of different containers....
IF they ever make it
out of my kitchen : ) !!
Thanks for the inspiration,

Happy November,
xx Suzanne

Barb said...

Just found your blog....lovely indeed. The non-perils re awesome. My family loves these....they'll be flabergasted when I prsent this homemade version. Thanks much for the idea. Will be following your style.

Unknown said...

that seems pretty easy, i too love these little candies! would make really "sweet" gift :) i will have to give them a try!! thanks for sharing. xo susan

seanymph said...

Sigh, I dont buy these because I know Id eat them all. And now I see this and I do have the ingredients here. Your such a tease. :)

snakebite said...

The photos of your area and the pics of your treats are equally beautiful!
I love how easy they are to make, and to think how much I've been paying for a candy which is easily made at home.
I also love your willingness to share your knowledge, allowing so many others to enjoy the same chocolate treats we all crave so often.
Thank You so Kindly,

snakebite said...

The photos of your area and the pics of your treats are equally beautiful!
I love how easy they are to make, and to think how much I've been paying for a candy which is easily made at home.
I also love your willingness to share your knowledge, allowing so many others to enjoy the same chocolate treats we all crave so often.
Thank You so Kindly,