Thursday, March 24, 2011

Darn It!

Have you ever heard of dragonflies referred to as "darning needles"?

Growing up I remember being told that's what they were.  And they had the power to sew up your mouth if you were caught saying a bad word, or even if you were talking too much.  Good thing I made up a batch of these the other day. 

Because I may have wanted to say bad words when I caught a glimpse of our lilac bush right outside the window. 

And how can I envision Spring with this addition to our flower boxes?

So for now I busy myself with some needlework of my own.  A remnant of burlap that I stenciled the words "Frenchman's Bay Tea Co." for an idea I had for a pillow.

My progress so far.  And I'll be using my recently found ship fabric for the back of the pillow.

This is Frenchman's Bay, taken right here in Sorrento yesterday.  The "Tea Co." part is fictional, as far as I know.

Anyway, the cookies are slowly dwindling, right along with the snow. 

We continue to have daily snow showers, but thankfully the ground has warmed up enough to make the snow disappear fairly quickly.  And for now, no more bad words needed.


Cindy said...

I love your blog! Your photographs are beautiful. I live in the middle of Texas, so I dream of having a view like yours. (however, our wildflower fields are pretty amazing this time of year!) The cookies looks so good and I like the idea of telling little ones that they will sew their mouth up if they say a bad word! I look forward to reading more...

Privet and Holly said...

I actually love
this time of year
as each day is like
a little surprise!
Plus, I can always
use more time indoors
to finish projects
before the gardens
are demanding their
fair share! LOVE your
pillow...and cookies...
and YOU :) !!
xx Suzanne
PS: HOW do you get
your satin stitches to
look so perfect?? And
how do you do them so
fast?? I always avoid
s.s. because I'm terrible
at making it look smooth.

julie - eab designs said...

Love your cookies! I'll have to search for a dragonfly cutter, as we are huge "cut-out" cookie fans here. I used to stitch a lot, many years ago. I love the photo of your burlap stitching project next to the blue print. Wishing you warm spring days ahead and no more snow in your window boxes!

Vicki Boster said...

Lili - the cookies are to die for -(sadly not on my post cruise diet!!) But - I sure would LOVE to have one!

Oh so sorry about the extra little blanket of snow - I know you must be SO ready for spring. We have had some wonderful warm days here since we have been back home - but today is COLD and rainy - at least it wont last long.

I have missed your blog and am so happy to have the chance to visit again~~


Vicki Boster said...

ps - that pillow you are making is going to be gorgeous - love the embroidery and the ship fabric! Use these last cold days to get that wonderful project finished!


Low Tide High Style said...

I have never heard that about dragonflies! And you said you got snow, but wow to see it really makes me glad I live a little bit farther south than you! Your pillow is going to be beautiful and I could use a dragonfly cookie right about now, they look so yummy, but almost too beautiful to eat!

Kat :)

Heather Baird said...

Lili, your cookies are a gorgeous sight!

You have such beautiful ideas and talents. Thank you for sharing them!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

"Tea" and cookies - what a great combination. The bay is simply gorgeous.

Polly said...

Oh my those cookies look so cute not to mention scrumptious! I've never of them referred to as darning needles...that is a new one!

Sorry about all the gets old doesn't it? We've had such nice weather and then back down to 30 degrees today. Yuck!!

Your pillow is going to be fabulous!! Love how your stitching the wording on!!

Country Girl said...

Love your dragonflies. And like Privet and Holly here, I love this time of year, too. I never really get upset when it gets cold because well, because it's March. This is what March does. But I completely understand people wanting it to be over with!

spindrift,maine said...

Lili--it looks like we were sharing the same thought waves tonight! Check out my blog (which I wrote before reading yours) to see what I mean. How cool is that--must be something in the air.... I wonder if your lilac and flower box snow is gone by now. Ours is! Love your pillow. If you are like me, it will be done in another ten years......;o)

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Please no bad words Lili . . you are so talented lady . . anxious to see the pillow completed. I love to cross-stitch . . but I got to get some better reading glasses or should I say "stronger" reading glasses. Blessings kiddo, Sandy:O)

jennyfreckles said...

Even your biscuits are exquisite. And that pillow will be gorgeous when it's finished. I like the snow blossom on your tree but I'm sure you'll be glad when the real blossom comes.

Anonymous said...

I am sick of the snow too, although lots has melted off = wet basement... Love the cookies- but I gave them up for lent- can you make me some in a few weeks or so?? Love the pillow, can't wait to see it all finished.

~ Lisa ~ said...

Stopping by to check on one of my favorite blogs. Loved the cookies. Hoping for Spring here soon too.

Have a wonderful week!

~ Lisa from Indiana ~

Heidi said...


Your cookies are so pretty and they look very delicious...I hope Spring will come soon to Maine...Have a great week!

Elenka said...

Those cookies are sweet! (no pun intended) Are they sugar cookies. What kind of frosting did you use??
I could taste them now.
Yeah, the snow......tell me about it.
Friday is bringing something......

Rain said...

Lili--I had totally forgotten that about dragonflies when I was a child!! Thanks for reminding me- memories are wonderful!!-and my grandmothers were the most incredible-special people in the whole world!! Beautiful-yummy looking cookies!!

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Oh honey, I am so homesick, but I can tell you that I'd be frustrated too. I am thinking about our hammock, or sitting on the porch by the sea and listening to the waves crash, and watching the fireflies flashing lights.

Love to you,


Unknown said...

how cute those cookies are! the snow has been flying here as well and quite frankly i'm kind of over it myself......hoping spring comes your way soon!! xo susan

Julie said...


I can't believe you were so close!!! WOW...Hope you enjoyed your stay down here...Ya'll must have been near the Lake again with family. is too bad we did not meet!!!!!!! I have been crazy busy though and looks like it will not stop for quite a while trying to keep up with the MUST do list. Thanks SOOO much for stopping by to comment and let me know what's been going on with you. I just want to say I WANT one of those dragonfly cookies...they look BAKERY delicious! oh me oh my....such temptation...You did such a beautiful job on them...Have yourself a WONDERFUL Sunday and I CAN'T wait to see your pillow. I know it is going to be awesome. I love it already! HUGS!!!

seanymph said...

I love that pillow!!! Perfect use for that sea fabric. Cant wait to see it all done. ....we used to call them sewing needles too and thought they would sew you up if they got too close lol. Funny things kids think.

Pearl Maple said...

Cute cookies, not seen a dragonfly shape before, did you have a cutter for those?
Like your idea for the pillows as well, nice choice of colors.
My partner is a sailor as well and we can't wait to get back to the Atlantic for summer season.