The enjoyment of a Maine Summer is all the sweeter knowing you can handle a brutal Maine Winter, much like we've been having this year. Henri plans to eventually turn us into snow birds, but for now, I'm content to enjoy the bright spots of our winters.
I'm reminded of an old Maine expression that goes: "If you can't take the Winter, you don't deserve the Summer."
Guess I'll have to come up with a retort for that when we eventually head South for the winters.
So that's why I've decided to take lots of pictures showing I do indeed deserve the summers.
Although the birds are the ones doing the enduring, as I sit inside by a cozy woodstove with my camera.
I'm not saying we've completely lost it with this year's huge amount of snowfall, but secretly we think the starlings mean to taunt us with the sight of their snow dotted feathers.
No, really, we're good. But now is that a downy woodpecker?
Why yes, I do believe it is. So, how's the weather been lately in your neck of the woods?