This was our side yard about a month ago.
And this was after I removed a few patches of sod in the hopes of starting my first ever vegetable garden. When I headed out with my shovel, I had no design plan in mind, but by the end of the day a series of geometric shapes began to emerge.
I overheard a neighbor tell my husband he thought that my "garden" was really a secret plan to signal aliens.
Anyway, I needed quick information about how to grow a garden. I found myself altering the route of my daily walks to catch a glimpse of other people's gardens and even managed to chat with a few folks I saw out working in their gardens. I was so eager to learn as much as I could about growing vegetables. And my mother, who has always had a vegetable garden, handed me her copy of this magazine for my very own.
So it seems my "gardening gene" had finally kicked in! Who knew? My first plantings were lettuce and radishes that I sowed right into the ground on May 15.
And this is what they look like now.
I also planted sweet peas from seed which I hope will
grow right up this trellis . .
And this little fella will be at the top waiting!
Oh, sure, I know how to plant annuals
especially in rusty, old reclaimed planters.
And even shade loving perennials
But this vegetable gardening is a FIRST for me.